고객센터 02-6268-0808
개인정보취급방침 약관보기


DSP-based 4-axis Advanced Motion Controllers
종류 Pulse Train
유형 PCI

DSP-based 4/8-axis Advanced Motion Controllers








PCI-8254 및 PCI-8258은 ADLINK의 새로운 최고급 모션 컨트롤러로서, 탁월한 제어 성능, 시간 결정 론적 궤도 및 속도 계획, 포괄적 인 응용 프로그램 기능 및 사용하기 쉬운 강력한 진단 및 제어 유틸리티를 제공합니다.





Key Features


■ Servo update rate up to 20 KHz through hardware-based PID-FF

control loop and second-order filters

■ Trajectory cycle time up to 1 KHz

■ 4/8 axes hybrid motion command output signals of both ±10

volts analog command and pulse-train command

■ Encoder feedback frequency up to 20 MHz with digital filter design

■ Program download can execute up to 8 individual tasks


■ High speed position latch function via ORG and Index signals

■ High-speed position comparison and trigger output up to 1MHz for

auto-optical-inspection applications

■ 32 additional onboard digital I/O channels (16 DI & 16 DO) can

save the cost of a full DI/O card

■ Programmable interrupt source control to host PC

■ Watchdog timer for safety control

■ Manual pulsar interface

■ MotionCreatorPro 2 suite of card installation, axis control,

auto-tuning, frequency response analysis, and system diagnostic


■ Support for up to 16 cards in one system




Motion Features 


■ Jogging mode

■ Pre-defined engineering unit

■ Any 2-6 axes linear interpolation

■ Any 3 axes circular interpolation

■ 3 axis spiral interpolation (incl. helical interpolation)

■ Motion trajectory & PID parameters can be changed on the fly

■ Multi-axis synchronous motion (Master-Slave)

• Gantry mode

• Electronic Gear

■ Safety level setting to prevent damage to mechanism and operator

■ Trapezoidal, S-curve velocity, user-defined profile

■ Position & speed override anytime

■ Variety of homing modes via ORG and index signals

■ Linear and FIFO position comparison for high speed trigger output

■ Backlash compensation