제조사 | ㈜뉴럴로직스 |
종류 | Pulse Train |
유형 | PCI |
≫ 4 axes control for stepper and servo
≫ Pulse output options: OUT/DIR, CW/CCW, AB Phase
≫ 2 to 4 axes linear interpolation
≫ 2 axes circular interpolation
≫ Helical interpolation
≫ Multi-axis continuous interpolation
≫ Speed and position change on the fly
≫ Home return mode and auto home search
(Various homing sequences)
≫ High speed position latch function
≫ Programmable acceleration and deceleration time
≫ Trapezoidal and S-curve velocity profiles
≫ 28-bit up/down counter for incremental encoder feedback
≫ Multi-axis, simultaneous start/stop
≫ Programmable interrupt sources
≫ Hardware backlash compensator
≫ Manual pulser input interface
≫ Software limit function
≫ Hardware emergency input
≫ Hardware-controlled position compare and trigger
≫ Easy interface to any stepping motors, AC or DC servo,
linear or rotary motors
≫ All digital inputs and outputs are 2500 Vrms isolated
≫ Supports up to 12 cards in one system
| Termi-M02T - 2 Axis Motion Terminal Board - Dimension : D' 132mm W' 78mm H' 34mm |
| Termi-NULL - 68pin General NULL Terminal Board - Dimension : D' 91mm W' 78mm H' 34mm |
| - Board to Terminal Cable - Terminal to Servo Cable - 특주 케이블 제작 - 길이별 주문 제작 가능 |